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Talk and Discussion with Davarian Baldwin

February 21 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm UTC+5

“As part our Duke Respect Durham campaign (which Durham Workers, @ue150union@raiseupthesouth @durhameducators endorsed) to make Duke pay their fair share to support city workers, schools, & housing, we are supporting this event with Davarion Baldwin on Feb 21. Spread the word! @dukerespectdurham


February 21st at 5pm, Duke Respect Durham is hosting a community conversation at SEEDS with Dr. Davarian Baldwin, author of In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower. Dr. Baldwin studies how universities exert power as major employers and land owners, holding down wages and worsening housing inequality in communities, including Durham. He also studies how communities such as ours are organizing to demand universities pay their fair share. Baldwin will lead us in a conversation about how Duke Respect Durham’s fight for a PILOT (payment in lieu of tax) agreement will create a more equitable relationship between Duke and Durham, and a better future for the Bull City.

Snacks and refreshments will be provided by People’s Alliance, and Dr. Baldwin’s book In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower will be available for purchase from The Regulator Bookshop. Childcare, transportation, & Spanish interpretation available upon request (subject to availability). RSVP below and bring a friend!
RSVP here.

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