In Celebration of Women’s History Month, Dr. Valerie Ann Johnson, NCEJN Co-Director shares this bibliography with the network.
Please onsider buying books from an independent book store. To celebrate Women’s History Month, Pluto Press and Haymarket books both have 40% off on books celebrating the radical women who make and record our histories, and on the histories of struggle for feminist and gender liberation.
If you have a book suggestion, please email us!

Avakian, Arlene Voski.1997 Through the Kitchen Window: Women Explore the Intimate Meanings of Food and Cooking. Boston: Beacon Press.
Boyce Davies, Carole. 2007 Left of Karl Marx: The Political Life of Black Communist: Claudia Jones. Durham: Duke University Press.
Brown, Linda Beatrice. 2013 Belles of Liberty: Gender, Bennett College, and the Civil Rights Movement in Greensboro, North Carolina. Greensboro, North Carolina: Women and Wisdom Press.
Chisholm, Shirley. 1970 Unbought and Unbossed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Flowers, Catherine Coleman. 2020 Waste: One Woman’s Fight Against America’s Dirty Secret. New York: The New Press.

Gilmore, Glenda. 1996 Gender and Jim Crow: Women and the Politics of White Supremacy in North Carolina, 1896-1920. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Guy-Sheftall, Beverly, editor. 1995 Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought. New York: The New Press.
Harris, Duchess. 2009 Black Feminist Politics from Kennedy to Obama. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Imarisha, Walidah and adrienne maree brown, editors. 2015 Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements. Oakland, California: AK Press.
Jones, Martha S. 2020 Vanguard: How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All. New York: Basic Books.

Jordan, June. 1981 Civil Wars. Boston: Beacon Press.
Lorde, Audre. 2017 Your Silence Will Not Protect You. United Kingdom: Silver Press.
Murray, Pauli. 1956 Proud Shoes. New York: Harper & Row (1978 version).
Murray, Pauli. 1987 Song in a Weary Throat. New York: Harper & Row.
Nelson, Jill. 1993 Volunteer Slavery: My Authentic Negro Experience. New York: Penguin Books.

Okorafor, Nnedi. 2015 The Book of Phoenix. New York: Daw Books.
Ransby, Barbara. 2003 Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement: A Radical Democratic Vision. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University Of North Carolina Press.
Ransby, Barbara. 2013 Eslanda: The Large and Unconventional Life of Mrs. Paul Robeson. New Haven Connecticut: Yale University Press.
Springer, Kimberly. 2005 Living for the Revolution: Black Feminist Organizations, 1963-1980. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
Williams, Lea E. 2017 We Who Believe in Freedom: The Life and Times of Ella Baker. Raleigh, North Carolina: Historical Research Office, Office of Archives and History, Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.