Be a link in the chain!

Thanks to your support, NCEJN has been resilient in the fight for environmental justice for over 20 years. Donate to NCEJN to help us continue defending vulnerable communities. We are consistently addressing the dangers of oppressive industries and climate change & this work can’t happen without your help!

Donate to be a link in the chain!

We are able to do the work we do because of a family of supporters who have decided to be links in the chain. At the end of our events we like to encourage everyone in the room to form a chain link by hand and each person chants one by one, “I am a link in the chain and the link in the chain will not end here.”

Our Mission

To promote health and environmental equality for all people of North Carolina through community action for clean industry, safe workplaces and fair access to all human and natural resources. We seek to accomplish these goals through organizing, advocacy, research, and education based on principles of economic equity and democracy for all people.


Sponsor an Event

Quarterly Meeting

    • Provide support for us to host one of our QM’s in an impacted community. This includes the venue & food.

Planning Committee Meeting

    • Provide support for one of our monthly planning committee meetings where we discuss ways to support impacted communities. This includes food.