Register: Join State of Innovation (SiX) for a webinar on “Corporate Takeover of Rural America: Fighting Agricultural Preemption and Big Business Influence”. Friday February 28, 11 AM
In these earliest days of the second Trump Administration, we’re seeing oligarchs given free rein in the federal government like never before. For decades, big corporate interests have built their power by capturing state legislatures in resource-rich majority-rural states – boosting profits at the expense of local communities. A key tool in their playbook? Preemption bills—broad measures that block laws, ordinances, and regulations on critical issues. These corporate-backed bills, once tested in states, are reshaping policymaking at every level from local governments to Congress, threatening rural communities. Join experts and policymakers to explore 2025 trends in corporate-backed preemption on agriculture, food, and rural policy. Learn how corporations are cementing control in state legislatures by targeting rural communities and discover strategies to help policymakers partner with rural communities push back against agribusiness, chemical, energy, and extremist interests while building alternatives to these abusive preemption policies.