Please join us for NCEJN’s 18th Annual EJ Summit on October 21-22, 2016 in Whitakers, NC!

You can find more information about the agenda and how to register under the EJ Summit tab on our website.

We are accepting award nominations for the following awards until Oct. 14:

  1. Steve Wing International Environmental Justice Award – Award for a person who has used their scholarship and activism to fight for environmental justice.
  2. NCEJN Community Resilience Award – Award for a community member who constantly uses activism and organizing in their community to achieve environmental justice.
  3. EJ Youth Vanguard Award – Award for two youth (one of elementary school age and one of middle/high school age) that have shown dedication to environmental justice and have the potential to be EJ leaders in the future.

Submit all nominations to:
NCEJN EJ Summit Coordinators
Email (preferred):
Mail: P.O. Box 68, Rocky Mount, NC 27802

Please circulate this message in your community networks!


If you want to learn more about what happens at the EJ Summits, check out the History of EJ Summit tab.

At this year’s Summit, we are planning to create a timeline (as a group) that documents the history and stories of the Environmental Justice Movement in North Carolina. To do this, we need your help! Please bring any memories that you have to help tell this story. For example, you could bring pictures, newspaper articles, old t-shirts, etc. We will paste all of these items in sequential order onto pieces of paper on the walls at the Franklinton Center. Looking back will help us move forward. Knowing where we’ve been will guide our path into the future. Bring any materials that you’d like to contribute to the timeline project.

Please email with any questions.