Reclaiming Our Power
Sponsored by the North Carolina Environmental Justice Network –

The North Carolina Environmental Justice Network (NCEJN) will is holding its 21stAnnual Environmental Justice Summit on October 18-19, 2019 at the Historic Franklinton Center at Bricks, Edgecombe County, NC.


Our annual Summit is driven by the needs of communities directly impacted by environmental harms across the state of North Carolina and our broader region. We raise public awareness about a wide range of environmental inequities across communities of color and low-income communities—those that are newer in our awareness (e.g., biogas), and those that our member communities have been fighting for decades, like industrial hog farming in Eastern North Carolina. Participants in the Summit are community members, government officials, environmentalists, students and researchers. The Summit connects impacted communities with practitioners and technical resources to support advocating for justice on their own terms.
We solicit research presentations on issues pertaining to environmental justice, particularly those that impact communities across multiple regions. Submissions can be from any disciplinary perspective, including physical sciences, social sciences, law, humanities, and public health. Though most Summit participants are from North Carolina or connected to the state, we welcome submissions that connect environmental justice challenges and fights across multiple geographies. In particular, we encourage submissions connected to this year’s theme on reclaiming community power. In your presentations, consider how your research findings might contribute to mobilization and advocacy for environmental justice across the state and broader nation. Where possible, we also encourage researchers who work in collaboration with communities to co-present with members of those communities.


The research session of the Summit will be held on Friday afternoon, October 18th. Each presentation is limited to 15 minutes.
Please submit a title, author(s) and abstract (250 words or less) of your research byFriday, September 13, 2019 to:
Danielle Purifoy
Department of Geography, CB # 3220
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3220
Abstracts may be submitted by mail or e-mail using this form. E-mail submissions should have a subject line indicating “EJ Summit Abstract.” Abstracts will be reviewed by the Environmental Justice Summit Coordinating Committee. All notifications will be sent by Monday, September 23rd.


Accepted presenters will submit a final version of the abstract for inclusion in the Summit program.
As a coalition of community-based organizations, the NC EJ Network is not able to provide travel funds to academics, researchers, and government officials. Community and student scholarships will be available by application. Please forward this announcement as appropriate.